Daily Resistance Monthly Editorial Meeting continues on July, 9

On July 9, 2018, the current editorial team of >Daily Resistance< will continue its new monthly meeting. It is the third in a series of social and working get-togethers that tries to bring together people who want to share their ideas about the newspaper, who want to contribute and who want to work on upcoming issues, workshops and interventions.

Become part of our team! We warmly invite everyone who feels eager to contribute as an editor, author, supporter, critique and much more. Let’s discuss and work on concrete tasks and steps (articles, distribution, networking, translations, funding, group structure…). We are curious to get to know you!

Come to Café Karanfil, Mahlower Str 7, Berlin (U8 Boddinstr)! The next meeting dates (every second Monday of the month at 20:00): July, 9; August, 13; September, 10

Daily Resistance NewspaperDaily Resistance is a periodical newspaper on actual paper written by (refugee) activists aimed to reach people in refugee camps. Articles in different languages inform on the movements of resistance in Germany to empower them for their everyday resistance against the system. Refugee camps in Germany are located in remote areas. People are far away from their communities, political self-organizations and support structures. The newspaper wants to break this isolation, giving people hope and strength to fight back and giving them the option to connect with refugee and migrants’ self-organisations. We think this is necessary, because there is a massive racist backlash in German mainstream society and a harsh tightening of asylum laws. More than ever before, self-organised resistance is needed.

The editing group of the newspaper is a mixed group of citizens and non-citizens, mainly based in Berlin. The authors of the articles are refugees and activists from all over Germany, as well as from other European countries. We are acting with the perspective of alternative media. Therefore, we encourage the distributors and the readers of this newspaper to present their critique, proposals and contributions to the process. We aim to relay the information based on our experience of refugee resistance to the newly coming refugees and to anticapitalist and antifascist movement. Thus, we want to break the focus on English and German language, so we would like to motivate everybody to write in their own language like Farsi, Arabi, French, Pashtoo, Dari, Serbian, Urdu, etc. This is very important to us to make it possible for everybody to read the newspaper and everybody to write for it. This is a newspaper of people for people.

Our goals
The main goal is to connect different self organized struggles against racism, the camp and deportation system and the European border regime with each other. Since 2012 a very diverse refugee movement with many different groups with own focuses evolved. With the newspaper, we aim at giving these different parts of the movement a voice and inform refugees who are not yet politically active, as much as reaching people in isolation and inspire them.

We inform about
– Rights and demands
– Changes of laws
– Daily struggles of others
– Demonstrations and actions
– Experiences and advice
– Statements
– Mainstream media coverage
– Political active groups

Daily Resistance Refugee Protest 2016 Bavaria